E49: Vaibhav Domkundwar (CEO, Better Capital)

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Vaibhav Domkundwar is the CEO of Better Capital, an early-stage venture firm that builds & invests in category-defining businesses. Prior to his investor journey, Vaibhav was an entrepreneur, having founded and successfully exited a venture-backed startup Roamware (acq. by PE firm Audax).

You may follow Vaibhav on Twitter here.

In this episode we will cover:

1. Learnings from investing in 2020 (1:45)

2. Covid impact on decision making (6:36)

3. What value does Better bring to the table? (9:36)

4. How are founders buildings startups today vs twenty years ago? (15:31)

5. What kind of exits do pre-seed stage investors look for realistically (19:53)

6. Why did Vaibhav decide to be a solo GP in a fund as opposed to having partners? (23:34)

7. Fundraising challenges as a solo GP (31:11)

8. Retrospective insight: Building a foundation for Better Capital (36:06)

9. What is the vision for Better Capital? (49:00)

10. A little more about Vaibhav, beyond his investor persona (53:13)